Friday, January 31, 2014

The week of February 3-7 is so busy with Chinese New Year that we will not have a spelling test.  I am still looking for one more volunteer on the 7th from 8:45-11.  If you can come join us for the party we would love to have you.  Let me know so I can put your child in your group.

Also, we only have one more week in the computer lab before we go off track.  When we come back on track the school will be in the midst of testing.  We will need to “practice” our test before going off track.   I think it would be helpful for you to realize and understand how testing will be done this year.  If possible, I would love to invite you to come on Wednesday (9:30-10:00 for the Red Class, and 1:30-2:00 for the Yellow Class).  You can sit with your child and go through the practice test with them.  You will be able to see the “tools” that will be available for them to use and be able to help them understand how to use them.  Please consider coming for this little while.  There is a small problem.  We can’t have younger siblings come since we will be in the computer lab.  If you have a friend in the other class, I would love for you to offer to babysit for them for this ½ hour.  I would like as many parents as possible here to be with their children.   

I appreciate you taking the time to come to school.  I am hoping this will help your children have a successful testing experience.  Our first test is writing and it is currently scheduled for March 24 and 25.  The rest of our testing is currently scheduled for the week of June 2-6.  Please try to schedule vacations around this time so your child does not miss those days.

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