Friday, October 11, 2013

No homework this week except to continue reading.  Enjoy a few days with your family. 

We will be continuing to learn about narrative text structure.  Have your children tell you a story and make sure they can give you the setting, characters, problem, and solution.  They should also have a beginning and an end. 

On Tuesday, I would love some help from anyone who can come in.  I’ll take as many volunteers as would like to come.  We wrote a poem and I would like to have the students type it.  This is an exhausting and difficult process.  If your child is in the RED class, I would need help from 9:30-10:30.  If your child is in the YELLOW class, I would need help from 1:30-2:30.  Remember, I will take whoever can come!

Our class has 10 ipod shuffles that we use to listen to reading.  If your child would like to bring headphones to school, they may.  I will keep them in a Ziploc labeled with their name and give them back at the end of the year.  I do have headphones for them to use if they don’t bring any.

Red Ribbon Week is next week.  Monday is Sport’s day, Tuesday is Silly day, and Wednesday is Pajama day.

Have a wonderful break!

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