Friday, May 31, 2013

Next week we begin end of the year testing.  This is a great opportunity for your child to show how much they have learned this year.  The red class will test in the morning and the yellow class will test in the afternoon.  We will be testing Monday through Thursday, so please make sure your child attends school and is on time.  Please make sure your child gets enough sleep and have them eat a healthy, filling breakfast as well.  If your child is testing in the afternoon, please make sure to have them eat a good lunch as well.  Please don’t pack soda, candy bars, etc. in their lunch.  I appreciate all your help in making testing a success.

If your child is in the red class we will be taking a small break right before we begin the test.  The yellow class will take a break after the testing is done for the day.  You make pack your child a small, HEALTHY snack to eat during that break.

Since we are testing next week there will be no homework, spelling, etc.  Just have your student read at least 20 minutes a night.  I want your student to use ALL their concentration on testing and go and play and run around after school.  Exercise is also an important way to help your child test well.

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