Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Sorry to post mid week, but I needed to let you know of some important things to help you stay informed.  Recent events have made us more aware of the safety of your children.  In order to make our school an even safer place, we have discussed as a faculty some concerns we have.  Please make sure you sign in at the office ANY TIME you come into the school.  Even if you are just dropping off a lunch or bringing a pair of glasses to your child, sign in at the office.  They will then call our classroom and send your child down to the office to pick things up.  If you need to talk to a teacher before or after school, stop in and sign in as well.  Outside doors will be locked at all times so you will need to come to the front doors in order to enter the building.  If a teacher sees you in the building without a badge you will be asked to go to the office and sign in.  Even if we know you well, you will be asked to sign in.  Remember, this is for the safety of your child and every other child in the building.

On a lighter note, the class spelling bee will be held on Monday, January 14th.  A list of possible words to be used will be sent home with your child this week.  I like every child to participate with the winners going to the school spelling bee.  It is a great time to show off your spelling skills. 

Thank you for all your help and support.  I really appreciate all you do as parents and I love your children.  It is an extreme pleasure to teach them. 

Happy Holidays,
Brandy Rollins

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